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Message from the President
Several important issues were resolved
at the Board of Directors Meeting on
the day before the start of the 65th
Canadian Geotechnical Conference
(CGC) in Winnipeg. Firstly, we are
pleased to report that Quebec City has
been successful in its bid to host the
68th CGC in 2015 and secondly that
CGS members from Queen’s Uni-
versity will host the 6th Geohazards
Conference in Kingston in 2014. The
68th Conference will follow the 67th
CGC in Regina in 2014 and the 66th
in Montreal next year in 2013. The
2016 conference has yet to be named
but we expect that the venue will
rotate back to the West. The Board of
Directors also approved the Articles
of Continuance and revised CGS By-
Laws for submission to Corporations
Canada for continuance of the CGS
as a Technical Society under the new
Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations
Act (NFP Act).
These conferences, the Articles of
Continuance, and By-Laws were each
ratified by a unanimous vote at the
AGM in Winnipeg. The AGM also
approved a gift of $60,000 to the
Canadian Foundation for Geotech-
nique (CFG) which is to be part of a
scholarship fund. The CFG also funds
the Cross Canada Lecture Tour, the
Colloquium, the striking of the
Medal, and all other CGS awa
Our VP Finance,
Mr. Peter G
presented the financial results
2012 which predicts a small p
contribution to our balance she
financial forecast for 2013 sho
loss but this is typical at this st
budgeting when revenues are a
more uncertain than expenses.
bottom line is that membershi
will remain constant in 2013 e
that student fees will be reduc
from $70 to $45. This reductio
proposed and ratified by the B
then by the membership at the
The 65th CGS Conference in
peg at the beginning of Octobe
big success. The Conference C
Mr. Gil Robinson
; his C
Mr. Kendall Thiessen
, his Pr
Mr. Kent Bannister
, a
rest of the Organizing Commit
great job and even arranged fo
weather! The conference starte
is tradition, with the
R. M. Ha
Keynote Address
, delivered b
Rob Kenyon
of KGS. His lect
a comprehensive review of flo
on the Red River with emphas
the measures taken in 2011 to
the citizens of Winnipeg from
record flood. Not only were w
to rapid and innovative solutio
immediate and serious dyke ra
requirements, but we heard ab
critical interactions between g
ment officials, the armed force
consultants. On Tuesday morn
Dr. Andy Take
of Queens Uni
delivered a thought-provoking
Canadian Geotechnical Coll
lecture on the use of time laps
photography in advanced geot
laboratory and field experimen
We look forward to publication of
this lecture in a future edition of the
Canadian Geotechnical Journal which
celebrates its 50th anniversary next
year. Following, Dr. Take’s Lecture on
Bryan Watts, President of Canadian
Geotechnical Society, 2011-2012.