Page 9 - GN-JUNE-2014

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Geotechnical News • June 2014
essage from the President
One of the pleasures of being Presi-
dent of our Society is that I am often
the first to hear of the great accom-
plishments of our members and to
congratulate them on your behalf. An
example is the announcement this
winter that Dr.
Suzanne Lacasse,
mer President of the CGS (2003-04),
was chosen by the British Geotechni-
cal Association to be the 55th Rankine
Lecturer. Suzanne will give her lecture
in London in March 2015. Other
Canadians who have been so honoured
Norbert Morgenstern
(CGS Pres-
ident 1989-90),
Evert Hoek, Serge
Kerry Rowe
President 2001-02). What makes this
honour even more significant is that
Suzanne is the first woman to win this
prestigious award. This recognition is
just the latest in a string honours that
Suzanne has accumulated. Suzanne
was also selected to present the Terza-
ghi Oration at the ISSMGE conference
in Paris, last September.
The CGS Cross Canada Lecture Tour
(CCLT) brings one national and one
international expert to selected Sec-
tions across the country each year. The
spring 2014 (national) speaker was
Professor Emeritus
Jim Graham
the University of Manitoba. Profes-
sor Graham delivered his talks at 11
different venues across the country.
He offered local Sections one of five
different presentations for his talk.
The selection included
Deformations Include Creep in Com-
pression and Shear; Seepage, Leach-
ing and Embankment Instability - A
ichard J. Bathurst, President of
anadian Geotechnical Society