La Société canadienne
de géotechnique
The Canadian
Geotechnical Society
La Société canadienne de géotechnique
The Canadian Geotechnical Society
La Société
canadienne de
Mécanique des roches
À propos de la Division Mécanique des roches
La Division de la mécanique des roches (DMR) s'efforce d'établir, de maintenir et de promouvoir la communication et la collaboration entre les praticiens de la mécanique des roches et de la géotechnique de la mécanique des roches. Elle offre à ses membres diverses possibilités de présenter les résultats de leurs activités professionnelles, en organisant des événements et des activités pour appuyer le transfert et l'échange des connaissances, d'expérience et d'information. Elle offre aussi à ses membres des possibilités de se perfectionner et d'actualiser leurs connaissances et leurs compétences professionnelles.
Comité exécutif
Le Comité exécutif de la Division de la mécanique des roches est composé des membres suivants:
Jonathan Aubertin
École de Technologie Supérieure
Montréal, QC
Jennifer Day
Queen's University
Kingston, ON
Ancien présidente
Jennifer Day
Queen's University
Kingston, ON
Ghasem Shams
Université de Sherbrooke,
Sherbrooke, QC
Représentant communication
Abtin Jahanbakhsh
Davide Elmo
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC
Biao Li
Concordia University
Montréal, QC
Wenbo Zheng
University of Northern British Columbia,
Prince George, BC
Eliane Cabot

Latest News

  • Joe Carvalho was awarded the 2023 John Franklin Award at GeoSaskatoon 2023. Congratulations Joe for your contributions in the fields of rock mechanics and rock engineering!
  • Amir Javaid was awarded the inaugural best rock mechanics paper at GeoSaskatoon 2023. This new recognition will be awarded annually at the CGS national conference.  
  • There will be a rock mechanics oriented short course at GeoMontreal given by Dr. Pedro Cacciari. The course will be titled Modeling Discrete Fracture Networks from LIDAR and Digital Photogrammetry Mapping. See Geomontreal website for details: https://www.geomontreal2024.ca/short-courses


Project and initiatives

A number of projects and initiatives are underway. Below is a list of ongoing work and initiatives with RMD:

  1. Rock Mechanics Student Design Competition.
  2. Rock Mechanics Webinar, in collaboration with RES and CARMA.
  3. Rock engineer undergraduate scholarship, in collaboration with CARMA.
  4. Geotechnique Magazine article.
  5. Creation of a Linkedin Group and Communication executive position.


Affiliations with Other Organizations

The Rock Mechanics Division is affiliated with the Canadian Rock Mechanics Association (CARMA). CARMA is the Canadian representative of the International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM). Becoming a member of the CGS Rock Mechanics Division automatically makes you a member of CARMA and the ISRM. CARMA members have access to past conference proceedings and other material through the CARMA website. Benefits given to ISRM members include:

  • 1 copy of the ISRM News Journal
  • ISRM Newsletter
  • Access to the members area in the website (download of Suggested Methods and Reports, Rock Mechanics lectures, videos, slide collection, etc.)
  • Right to participate in the ISRM Commissions
  • Registration with a 20% discount in the ISRM Congress, International and Regional Symposia and Specialized Conferences
  • Personal subscription to the International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences at a discounted price (see details).
  • Personal subscription to the Journal Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering at a discounted price.
  • Free download of up to 100 papers per year from the ISRM Digital Library at OnePetro.


If you are a CGS Rock Mechanics member and have not received your access information from CARMA and the ISRM, please contact admin@cgs.ca


For more information about CARMA, refer to the website http://www.carma-rocks.ca/


The joint RMD/RES webinars will make the presentations available online on the CARMA and RES website.


John A. Franklin Award

Established in 1993, the Award honours the past President of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM), John A. Franklin, for his outstanding contributions to the Canadian and international rock mechanics community, and to the Canadian Geotechnical Society.

The award recognizes an individual who has recently made an outstanding and published technical contribution in the fields of rock mechanics or rock engineering in Canada and/or internationally. The eligibility for the award is restricted to either CGS members (need not be resident in Canada) or other individuals, resident in Canada, who have provided an outstanding service to the Canadian geotechnical community.


The award nomination period for the Canadian Geotechnical Society is currently in progress. CARMA and CGS' Rock Mechanics Division are encouraging nominations for the John A. Franklin award recognizing outstanding contributions to the Canadian and international rock mechanics community.

The complete nomination process is as follow (as outlined in the CGS Awards Manual):

Nominations shall be submitted by email to the RMD chair (see RMD webpage) and CGS National Office (awards@cgs.ca).

Nomination packages must include:

i) Nomination letter(s), 2 pages maximum (each), 3 letters maximum.

ii) Summary of nominee’s most significant contributions to the field (4 pages maximum).

iii) Curriculum Vitae, 12 pages maximum, with the following sections: (a) education, (b) employment history, (c) research project / consulting experience, (d) contributions to the training and mentoring of highly qualified professionals, (e) professional affiliations and associated service records (including CGS membership status), (f) awards and distinctions, (g) list of publications and technical presentations.

Nominations can be made by the Nomination Committee or by any CGS member, except the Division Chair. Nominations are due May 15th.

Selection criteria:

For the publication(s) and/or outstanding contributions to the field which represent a high standard of scientific or applied research, rock mechanics and/or rock engineering in academia and/or industry, or technology transfer and education.

Previous Recipients of the John A. Franklin Award

 1994 P.K. Kaiser
 1996 Derek Martin
 1998 Maurice Dusseault
 1999 Michel Aubertin
 2001 John Hadjigeorgiou
 2003 Jean Hutchinson
 2005 R. Paul Young
 2007 Mark S. Diederichs
 2009 Douglas Stead
 2011 Peter F. Stacey
 2013 Erik Eberhardt
 2015 Hani Mitri
 2017 Ming Cai
 2019 Giovanni Grasselli
2021 Rick Chalaturnyk

2023 Joe Carvalho


Best Rock Mechanics Paper at the CGS Annual Conference

The best rock mechanics paper is awarded annually at the national CGS conference, in collaboration with the Canadian Rock Mechanics Association (CARMA). The paper is selected by the technical committee and the RMD chair (or a designated executive in case of conflict of interests).


Previously awarded papers:

Javaid, M.A., Harrison, J. P., Kasani, H. A., Mas Ivars, D., (2023). Analyzing in situ stress: challenges in quantifying stress domains. In Proceedings of GeoSaskatoon 2023. Saskatoon: Canadian Geotechnical Society.



CIM CGS CARMA Webinar - Marco Quirion


RMD/RES webinar - Dr. Patrick Andrieux

Le Comité Exécutif de la Division s'est réuni le 7 juin 2021 pour préparer la réunion des membres du printemps 2021 le 9 juin 2021.

Dernières Nouvelles
Rapports / Documents
CARMA Best Paper Award 2023
Prochains événements


Canadian Dam Association 2024
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
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Si vous avez des commentaires ou des suggestions, veuillez communiquer avec la Division de la mécanique des roches, à info@cgs.ca.