CGS E-News would like to highlight the CGS 2018 Awardees. In this issue Iain Bruce is featured, winner of the 2018 Thomas Roy Award of the CGS Engineering Geology Division. Established in 1982, the award honours Thomas Roy (??-1842), who may have been the first engineering geologist in North America and recognizes outstanding contributions to engineering geology.
Iain Bruce’s citation reads: "A recognized specialist in the design, construction and review of tailings and watering retaining dams, Dr. Iain Bruce has been in the forefront in the field of engineering geology, both nationally and internationally.
Dr. Bruce has significant experience in areas of complex engineering geology including karst and tropical soils in high rainfall areas. These engineering designs incorporate aspects of the tailings and in-situ materials ensuring sustainable practices.
Nationally, he has worked on projects throughout the Canadian provinces and the Northwest Territories. Internationally, his experience includes work in Papua New Guinea, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Argentina, South Africa, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia and the United States.
In 1990, Iain and colleague Wayne Savigny formed BGC Engineering to provide professional services in applied earth sciences with a specialized appreciation of the impacts of geology on engineered structures. Headquartered in Vancouver, the firm now has offices in BC, Alberta, Ontario and the Maritimes with a staff of nearly 400 people nationwide.
Honoured as a fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada in 2013, Iain Bruce can now add a 2018 Thomas Roy Award to his list of honours."