The Robert Schuster Medal is a joint award shared between the CGS (Geohazards Committee and Engineering Geology Division) and the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (AEG). This award honours CGS and AEG member, Robert Schuster (b 1927), who has had a distinguished career, primarily related to geohazards.
The medal recognizes outstanding contributions by a geologist or geotechnical engineer to the study, teaching, research, and/or remediation of geologic hazards (primarily landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and/or earth subsidence). The award is typically awarded to CGS and AEG members in alternate years – in 2022 an American AEG member will be recognized.
Past medal winners can be found on the Geohazards Committee webpage.
The Nomination Committee is calling for nominations of an American AEG member for the 2022 Robert Schuster Medal. Nominations from CGS members should comprise a brief (one page or less) professional cv and a paragraph or two of justification, and should be sent to the CGS National Office at by March 1, 2022.
For further information, contact Scott McDougall, Chair of the CGS Geohazards Committee, at