October 2-5, 2022 | Hyatt Regency Calgary, Calgary, AB
Delegates attending GeoCalgary 2022 will be treated to exciting social events where they can meet, mingle, and get to know their professional colleagues in a relaxed setting, outside of the technical and business streams. Numerous social events are planned and will be included in the full conference registration packages or can be ordered “a la carte” by delegates attending part of the conference and for accompanying guests. The Social Events program includes the following: Young Professionals Icebreaker, Icebreaker & Exhibitor Reception, Calgary’s Local Colour Night & CGS Awards Banquet.
Registration is OPEN for GeoCalgary 2022, as well as the opportunity to register for preconference short courses or post conference technical tours. Book your hotel accommodations all at the same time.
Deadline for online submission of papers is May 5. All abstract submitters are required to submit their papers by that date.
Visit www.geocalgary2022.ca for more information!