La Société canadienne
de géotechnique
The Canadian
Geotechnical Society
La Société canadienne de géotechnique
The Canadian Geotechnical Society
La Société
canadienne de
Comité sur l'éducation
À propos du Comité sur l'éducation
The mandate of the Education Committee is to identify and address issues and problems concerning all aspects of the continuing education of society members. The Education Committee is also concerned with the involvement of students in the Society, as well as the geotechnical education at Canadian universities.
Comité exécutif
Les membres exécutifs du Comité sur l'éducation sont:
Cheng Lin
University of Victoria
Ashutosh Sutra Dhar
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Ancienne présidente
Pooneh Maghoul
Polytechnique Montréal
Owen Jiang

Webinar Series: Future of Geotechnical Education at the University Level

Past webinars can be found here


Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique Michael Bozozuk National Graduate Scholarship

The Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique National Graduate Scholarship, valued at $5,000(CAD), was established by the Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique in 2007 on the occasion of the 60th Canadian Geotechnical Conference. Please check the “CFG National Graduate Scholarships 2023” in the “Reports/Documents” section for details on this award.


The Dennis Becker Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique M.Sc. Student Award

The Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique is offering a $5,000(CAD) award to a full-time post-graduate student at a master’s level attending a Canadian university whose research focus is directly related to the field of geotechnique. The award is granted primarily based on academic excellence, the purpose and relevance of the research project to the practice of geotechnique, and the quality of the research summary. Please check the “CFG National Graduate Scholarships 2023” in the “Reports/Documents” section for details on this award.



Following the successful GEOpardy! event sponsored by Golder Associates at the Pan-Am Conference in 2011 and the annual CGS conferences since, the committee will work with WSP to continue this event for the 2023 conference in Saskatoon.

Rapports / Documents
CFG National Graduate Scholarships 2023
The Michael Bozozuk National Graduate Scholarship Award_Form-2023
The Dennis Becker CFG M.Sc. Award_Form-2023
CGS Early Achievement Award
Prochains événements


78th Annual Canadian Geotechnical Conference - GeoManitoba
Winnipeg, MB
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Si vous avez des commentaires ou des suggestions, veuillez communiquer avec le Comité sur l'éducation à Pooneh.Maghoul@umanitoba.ca.