La Société canadienne
de géotechnique
The Canadian
Geotechnical Society
La Société canadienne de géotechnique
The Canadian Geotechnical Society
La Société
canadienne de

Historique de la SCG

The current holdings of this virtual library include:

(2018) The Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual/Manuel Canadien d'Ingénierie des Fondations
The history of the development of this important Canadian geotechnical document, up to September 2018 is summarized. It appeared as a four-part series in Geotechnical News in 2018.

(2017) CGS Gavel
The story behind the CGS gravel is summarized as of April 2017. This story first appearred in the May 2017 issue of the CGS eNews. There is much that is not known about the story, or even the whereabouts of the accompanying strike plate and case. If anyone has further information, contact the CGS National Office.

(2017) History of the CGS Cross Canada Lecture Tour
In September 2017, the CGS hosted the 100th Cross Canada Lecture Tour, presented by Dr. Jean-Marie Konrad from Univérsité Laval, QC. The document provides a brief history up to the 100th tour, the longest such lecture tour anywhere in the world, and the envy of geotechnical organizations and geotechnical professionals in many countries.

(2016) A Brief History of the Canadian Geotechnical Society
Based on an original article by W.J. (Bill) Eden titled "Canadian Geotechnical Society", published in Geotechnical News, June 1985. It has been revised and updated by A.G. (Tony) Stermac in 1998, by Jim Graham in 2007, and by Heinrich Heinz and Doug VanDine in December 2016.

(2009-present) Past Annual Reports
Digital annual reports are available from 2010, digital audited financial statements are available from 2009, and digital National Research Council Annual Performance Reviews are available from 2014. Some earlier printed documents may be available by contacting admin@cgs.ca.

(1987) Canadian Geotechnical Conferences 1947-1987
In 1987, the CGS hosted the 40th annual Canadian Geotechnical Conference. A brief history of this series of conferences was written by Bill Eden and Gordon McRostie, and was published in the March 1987 issue of Geotechnical News. The article lists the locations, dates, and chairmen of the organizing committees for the conferences up to 1986.

(1972-present) Past Executive Committees
Listing of past Presidents, Vice Presidents, Region/Section Directors Representatives, Division Representatives and Young Professionals Representatives. This listing also includes past Executive Directors and Administrators.

(1947-present) Past CGS Annual Conferences
Listing of locations and years of the past annual conferences. This event is the longest running annual geotechnical conference in the world. This listing also includes CGS Geohazards Conferences, CGS Young Geotechnical Engineering and Geoscience Conferences, and some other CGS conferences.

(1947-present) Proceedings of CGS Conferences: Papers presented at the CGS Annual Conferences from 1947 to the present are published in proceedings which are available in the Members Section of the CGS website. These proceedings contain many valuable case studies and research projects. Also included in the Members Section are proceedings of some other CGS conferences, such as the Geohazards Conferences. Note, there is 6-month delay between when the conference takes place and when the proceedings are posted on the CGS website.

(2013-present) Histories of the CGS Sections
There are 20 local Sections across Canada. Some of these sections have documented their histories and printed them in the CGS News in Geotechnical News. The intent is to have all sections document their histories. Current histories include:

(1997) Historical Cavalcade
83-minute video of short presentations, hosted by Gordon McRostie, that were given at the 50th CGS Annual Conference in Ottawa in 1997 by 20 of the early contributors to geotechnique in Canada: Victor Milligan, Don Shields, Fred Matich, Pierre La Rochelle, Tony Stermac, John Seychuk, Jack Clark, Norbert Morgenstern, Branko Ladanyi, Carl Crawford, Earl Klohn, Cyril Leonoff, Bill Trow, Jack Mollard, Lionel Peckover, Charlie Ripley, Hugh Sutherland, Gerry Williams, Geoffrey Meyerhof, and Gordon McRostie. These include 6 individuals who attended the 1st CGS Annual Conference in 1947. Each of the 20 individuals talked about his early geotechnical memories and memories of the CGS. Their faces and voices form a unique historical record.

(1997) Geotechnical Engineering in Canada: an Historical Review
150-page document, which resulted from a series of taped interviews with early contributors to the geotechnical profession in Canada, was published by BiTech Publishers, as a Commemorative Edition of Geotechnical News at the time of the Golden Jubilee 50th CGS Annual Conference in Ottawa 1997. Texts were prepared and edited by Cyril E. Leonoff. Funding to permit publication and distribution to all members of the CGS was raised by the Vancouver Geotechnical Society and generous sponsors listed in the document. In 2009, BiTech Publishers provided funding for scanning this electronic version of the document.

Among other things, this document includes short articles about the history of: Canadian Geotechnical Society, R.F. Legget Award (now R.F. Legget Medal), Canadian Geotechnical Journal and Geotechnical News.

(1997) ACSSM 1945-65, ACGR 1965-1990
Listing of documents of the Associate Committee on Soil and Snow Mechanics (1945-1965) and the Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research (1965-1990) including proceedings of meetings, subcommittees, working groups, task forces, special meetings, conference organizing committees; conference proceedings, Technical Memoranda, annual reports of the Canadian Section (ISSMFE), compiled by Lorne Gold. The ACSSM and the ACGR were the predecessors of the CGS. The documents are held at the National Archives of Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa ON K1A 0N3, http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/index-e.html.